高清(HD)是2010年视频监控行业的热门趋势;那么3D可能在2011年成为视频监控行业的下一个热点技术吗?在消费者和专业广播领域,3D技术日益获得接收和传立,而且最近IMS Research已经观察到许多3D技术开始进入视频监控市场的例子。在阿齐兹2010年贸易展上,有少数参展商展出了3D视频监控产品。然而,撇开“潇洒”不说,到底在视频监控中应用3D技术有什么好处呢?
IMS Reseach并不认为2011年3D技术能在安防供应商或者终端用户当中获得大规模认可。3D监视器的高价格,摄像机的高成本,供应商支持的先天不足以及安防行业固有的技术保守主义都将是制约因素。不过,相信2011年将预示着视频监控开始有向3D迈进的趋势。据估计,越来越多的厂商将开始试验3D的应用并且开始计划在他们的技术开发路线中加入3D。
HD to 3D
HD was the hot trend in the video surveillance industry in 2010; could 3D be the next hot technology trend for the video surveillance industry in 2011? In the consumer and professional broadcast space, 3D technology gained increasing acceptance and mindshare during 2010, and recently IMS Research has observed a number of examples of 3D technology beginning to penetrate the video surveillance market. At the ASIS 2010 trade show, a small number of vendors were exhibiting 3D video surveillance products. However, beyond the “pizazz”, are there any benefits in applying 3D in video surveillance?
The key benefit that 3D offers to the security industry is depth perception. The extra dimension of depth could pave the way for more accurate and more advanced analytics algorithms. One prime example is the distinction between flat and non-flat objects; confusion between shadows and solid bodies could be significantly reduced via the introduction of a depth dimension.
IMS Research does not believe that 3D technology will gain mass acceptance amongst vendors or end-users in the security industry in 2011. The high price of 3D displays, the high cost of cameras, the initial lack of vendor support and technological conservatism inherent within the security industry will all be limiting factors. However, it is believed that 2011 will herald the start of a trend towards 3D in video surveillance. It is expected that increasing numbers of manufacturers will begin to experiment with 3D and begin to plan 3D into their technology roadmaps.